Friday, September 01, 2006

Seemingly disconnected thoughts

There are at least two kinds of loneliness. Or, I am going to state a distinction in loneliness that gives two kinds of loneliness.

There is loneliness that arises from being apart from others (e.g. physical isolation or separation).

There is loneliness that arises from one being a part of a group of others but being aware of a difference between oneself and the group, and then believing that difference to be significant, thus causing some kind of discomfort or other non-pleasureable effect.

Simple observations.

I have a small work gestating. I could post it now, but it is not at all refined. Which actually kind of makes me think I should just post it anyhow. It'll probably be up, if it will be up at all in the next couple of days.

By the way, just a thought: I think that invisibility is less of masking, removing or hiding the physical and more of masking and hiding the inner to the outside world.

Yes, I know, the weirdest thoughts enter my head sometimes.

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