Monday, November 21, 2005

A Brief Explanation

So, obviously, if you have scrolled down and read the little excerpt of a story thread that I'm working on, you will notice that I in fact did not post some essay on some deep philosophical or theological idea. I had a really hard time coming up with something to write. And then when I thought I did come up with something, I feared being too didactic.

So, instead I decided to whore-out my work.

I don't know how I'll feel about this in a few days, but I think this is a much better jumping off point for further exploration. Because that's what I feel I'd rather be doing: exploring. Because the fact is, I don't know anymore than the next person. I'm mucking and mulling about, thriving for the same air, water and space like everyone else.

So yeah. Feel free to comment, react, respond etc. I cannot apologize for the content of the piece--neither for its overtly sexual depiction nor for its originality (or non-originality). One, I think art ought to explore sexuality, and more Christian artists ought to do it, because it is an important part of being human, and therefore one can garner a lot from exploring it through art (which for the Christian is a much more morally sound way to explore sexuality than to explore it outside of the context of biblical marriage). Two, if it smacks of something you've heard before, then know that all our lives we are constantly being buried by what other people have said, written, thought, and felt. It is quite the task for a person to dig beneath all of that to find his or her true voice. And you may find that your voice is a part of a larger chorus. This is to be expected. But how can you know until you dig?

So, here's a shovel into the dirt.

Or something like that.


Adam said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree with your statements near the bottom. And don't feel bad about being didactic. There is a place for that too. I enjoyed the piece originally. Good writing is like candy :)